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  • JYF 54 ПИН

    JYF 54 ПИН

    The main purpose of a JYF 54 PIN is to provide a reliable and efficient connection between a power source and a device or system. They can be found in almost every electronic or electrical equipment, from everyday appliances such as laptops and smartphone

  • JYF 50 ПИН

    JYF 50 ПИН

    JYF 50 PINs are essential components in any electric or electronic system that require a stable and reliable power supply. They are designed to securely connect various devices to a power source, ensuring a continuous flow of electricity. They come in var

  • JYF 44 ПИН

    JYF 44 ПИН

    The JYF 44 PIN is an essential component in any electronic device, providing a safe and reliable connection between the power source and the device itself. Our connectors are designed with high-quality materials and precision engineering, ensuring maximum

  • JYF 40 ПИН

    JYF 40 ПИН

    The JYF 40 PIN is a vital component that connects various electrical devices to a power source. It is designed to provide a secure and reliable connection, ensuring efficient and uninterrupted power supply. Constructed with high-quality materials, our con

  • Разъем высокого тока для зарядной стеки с сертификатом TUV/CE/UL

    Разъем высокого тока для зарядной стеки с сертификатом TUV/CE/UL

    The High Current Connector for Charging Pile is a vital component that connects various electrical devices to a power source. It is designed to provide a secure and reliable connection, ensuring efficient and uninterrupted power supply. Constructed with h

  • JYF 36 ПИН

    JYF 36 ПИН

    JYF 36 PINs are essential components in any electric or electronic system that require a stable and reliable power supply. They are designed to securely connect various devices to a power source, ensuring a continuous flow of electricity. They come in var

  • JYF 34 ПИН

    JYF 34 ПИН

    In addition to providing a secure and reliable electrical connection, JYF 34 PIN also play a crucial role in safety. Many connectors are designed with built-in safety features, such as grounding mechanisms and insulation to prevent electric shocks. This i

  • JYF 32 ПИН

    JYF 32 ПИН

    JYF 32 PIN is a highly efficient and durable product that provides a safe and reliable way to connect your electrical devices. With its sturdy construction and advanced technology, this product ensures stable and uninterrupted power supply to your devices

  • JYF 30 ПИН

    JYF 30 ПИН

    The JYF 30 PIN is a vital component that connects various electrical devices to a power source. It is designed to provide a secure and reliable connection, ensuring efficient and uninterrupted power supply. Constructed with high-quality materials, our con

  • JYF 28 ПИН

    JYF 28 ПИН

    The JYF 28 PIN is an essential component for providing reliable and efficient power supply to various electronic devices. With a sturdy and durable design, it allows for secure connections and stable flow of electricity. Its compact size and user-friendly

  • JYF 26 игл

    JYF 26 игл

    JYF 26 PINs come in different sizes, shapes, and types, depending on their purpose and the amount of electrical power they are designed to handle. They can range from a simple two-pronged plug used for domestic appliances to more complex connectors used i

  • JYF 24 Иглы

    JYF 24 Иглы

    JYF 24 PIN is a practical and essential product that provides a secure and reliable connection for electrical devices. It allows for easy and efficient transmission of power between devices, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted flow of electricity. It is m

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