Главная > Продукты > Разъем лезвия питания серии JYP (список запасных частей FCI)
Контейнеры MDL имеют те же функции, что и FCI51730 JYP: разъемы горячего подключения и питания, разъемы сигналов, разъемы питания, MDL (MEDLON)
  • Контейнеры MDL имеют те же функции, что и FCI51730 JYP: разъемы горячего подключения и питания, разъемы сигналов, разъемы питания, MDL (MEDLON)
Контейнеры MDL имеют те же функции, что и FCI51730 JYP: разъемы горячего подключения и питания, разъемы сигналов, разъемы питания, MDL (MEDLON)

JYP-F1208S-RT02R, этот элемент имеет ту же функцию с разъемом питания FCI powerlblade, он имеет 12 сигнальных контактов 8 контактов питания, шах составляет 5,08 мм, разъем питания лезвия разъем питания лезвия разъем питания лезвия здоровый разъем массового здоровья разъем провода разъем здоровья

1. High power contact option (up to 50A/contact; 30°C temperature rise in still air) for cost-effective power
2.Delivery in 1U and 2U power supplies or power distribution applications
3.Low power contact  option (up to 40A/contact; 30°C temperature rise in still air) for applications with multiple voltages and lower power requirements
4. Highly vented housing design maximizes heat dissipation for effective system cooling
5. Half-bullet guides offer a reduced connector footprint
6. Large operating temperature range (-40°C to  125°C)for extreme environments
7. Right angle and co-planar options are available with both power contacts for power distribution and signal contacts for power control
8. Number and placement of power and signal contacts are highly configurable for custom power needs
9. Solder or press-fit tails are available for termination flexibility
10.Compatible with lead-free processing temperatures

1. AC/DC pluggable power supplies in data, telecom & datacom/networking equipment
2. Industrial PCs
3. Industrial controls & instrumentation
4. Medical equimpent

1.Housing :  PPA 15% glassfiber, UL 94-0
2. High-temperature thermoplastic (UL 94 V-0), black
3.Power contact base metal
4. High-conductivity copper alloy
5. Contact finish: Separable interface: 30μin. (0.76μm) performance –based plating over nickel 
Contact A: Phosphor Bronze; Gold plating over Nickel on contact area;Tin Plating on Solder Tail.
Contact B: Brass; Gold plating over Nickel on contact area Tin Plating on Solder Tail.
6. Board connector solder tail area: Matte tin over nickel

Shell: Brass;Tin Plating on Solder Tail.
1. High power current rating: Up to 50A/contact (30°C T-rise in still air)
2. Low power current rating: Up to 40A/contact (30°C T-rise in still air)
3. Operating Voltage
• High power contacts: 912V max. (fully loaded)
• Low power/signal contacts: 124V max. (fully loaded)
• Dielectric withstanding voltage
• High power contacts: 2500V
• Low power/signal contacts: 1000V
4. Insulation resistance
• High/low power contacts: > 2,000MΩ initially as well as after environmental exposure
• Signal contacts: > 500MΩ initially as well as after environmental exposure
5. Contact resistance
• High power contacts: ≤0.7mΩ initially and after environmental exposure
• Low power contacts: ≤1.5mΩ initially and after environmental exposure
• Signal contacts: ≤20mΩ initially and after

Operating Temperature: -55°C to  105°C

Product Application

      JYP series connector application area are tele. communication, internet network, LED power supply , for board to board, board to wire, module , server, UPS, storage, communication device etc.

workingh environment

Operating Temperature:-40℃~+125℃(Include 40℃ temperature rising)

Relative  Humidity:40℃时,95%

Vibration:           20~500Hz, 490m/s²

Shock:              Acceleration 490m/ s²

Electri Performance

Contact Specification

Contact  Resistance


Rated Current


Voltage Rating


Withstand   Voltage

lnsulation Resistance



Signal contacts

(2.54mm pitch)

Signal contact

(2.54mm   Pitch)


Below 25 pcs,2.5A/pin









25-48 pcs,1.5A/pin

Over 48pcs,1A/pin

Power contacts

 (5.08mm   Pitch)






Power contact

(6.35mm Pitch)



Power contact

(7.62mm Pitch)



Power contact

(9.525mm Pitch)




  Technical Performance

Contact Type

Contact stability


Single contact insertion   force

Single contact withdraw   force

Signal contact




Power contact





Mechanical  Life :250 times




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