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Самая популярная фабрика круглых соединителей


The most popular round connector factory, in order to produce perfect low-frequency synthesizers, must have high-quality production processes.

The values and goals of electronic connector manufacturers are the core forces shaping and shaping the development of the electronic circuit industry. The behavior and goal of electronic component manufacturers is to be responsible for the quality and performance of electronic component products, which is the key to electronic component engineering design. The operating position should pay attention to relevant information and carry out corresponding work through certain methods.

By selecting materials and their properties, electronic connector components can be manufactured. In addition, attention should also be paid to SMC's resistance to deformation and deformation damage. Mainly produced through material selection and craftsmanship. SMB connector manufacturers offer another successful solution to address this issue.

High reliability electronic connectors are mature in precision stamping and injection molding, and have a comprehensive understanding of product quality and engineering services. Product design includes a series of plastic injection molding technologies, such as MATEK, UL, ESGPU, UL, PUSHC, V-0, PEEK, V-1, etc.

The company has over 300 employees, specializing in automotive and home appliance components (external connections and accessories), new energy vehicle power supplies and chargers. In addition to requiring more comprehensive technology, implementation, and daily excellence and control methods, mold design, manufacturing, and services, the product performance is excellent. The company has undergone long-term customer testing, quality control technology, and automation management.

Our products have self operated trading departments in 27 countries around the world, are traded in Hong Kong, and are among the top 5 companies in the country. We have a global brand of products that can be identified and certified.

Our main products include TYPE C female seat, TYPE C male head, C female seat, TYPE C female seat, four pin plug board, four holes on the female seat, which looks like a 16P female seat, USB 31 connector, Type-C female seat, USB 31 data transmission female seat, up to 100 Hi26 USB and output interface, e connection cable.

Авторское право 2006 © Шэньчжэнь Medlon Hardware Product Co.,LTD
Контактное окно и Тел: Салли, 138 2886 2712, Электронная почта: sally@medlonchina.com
Адрес офиса: Комната 302, здание C, индустриальный парк информационных технологий нового поколения Baoan, № 3, северная 2-я переулка, 2-я дорога Chuangye, улица Xin'an, район Bao'an, Шэньчжэнь, Гуандун, Китай
Профессиональный производитель соединителя