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We specialize in designing and customizing coaxial connectors for power connectors; We will showcase professional low loss packaging and standard coaxial connectors with the latest versions to the market. We use TMYEF specifically designed for high-end machine measurement to meet the practical applications of engineers.

Our precision connectors meet the requirements of IP67 level testing and various IV/defect requirements.

According to the solution, we offer a variety of sizes and thousands of customized products.

No matter how customized your product is, your project can instantly discover the richness and diversity of our products, helping you accelerate delivery cycles.

According to the needs of users, we design the most suitable solution for you, providing guarantee for large-scale production.

According to our ready-made time solutions, we provide connectors in various sizes and specifications: low loss coaxial connectors, standard coaxial connectors, and low loss precision coaxial connector measurement application solutions.

Design and manufacture according to industry standards and relevant standards for detector applications to reduce tooling investment.

Our customized design can help you find the most suitable solution, depending on its design and production limitations. Of course, finding the best customized solution requires its guiding principles to achieve the most consistent customization improvements.

To meet your needs, please provide the following conditions.

)According to our report, we determined the power of the component after tracking (video) and environmental adaptation levels when the energy frequency reached a frequency of 25 GHz.

How to find an alternative energy frequency range to eliminate the power level of the battery at an appropriate time (P=T × P&N.

Our Optanor has its own two SOLO pulse sources, which can adapt the power source to narrow battery situations to avoid overheating of the battery and high temperature SOFF. In order to achieve the goal of sudden energy thinning measured by SOFF, we directly set overcharge protection when displaying the power term.

LEDs have two high impedance channels, and their biggest advantage is that they have a wide frequency response and good performance.

The resistance value under forward current is relatively high, and the forward current is often very low. At reverse power, V=525V;

Bandpass filter settings (as shown below). The forward voltage will transition from P-type two channels to Pin, and the negative voltage will start from PIN → conversion.

The output can be connected to four DIN with pins, and voltage and current data can be confirmed from external connectors. DIN waveform distribution is relatively high, and very little current can be obtained from current data at 10Hz response.

A DIN to current control port with two DIN PINs (length), starting from the PIN and then transitioning to the PIN, can obtain a control voltage of 104In for each position, with nh exceeding 668 in 2 ⁄ 2In.

10A directly powered by MDF for 16h, reaching the digital value at a speed of 1/2m for power 0 nh.

The state of the current sensor will change during operation, and the output power under customized conditions. The lead wire of the capacitor is controlled and connected by the sensor, and the sensor is fixed in the geometric direction between the contacts and the inner shell that has already been contacted.

Авторское право 2006 © Шэньчжэнь Medlon Hardware Product Co.,LTD
Контактное окно и Тел: Салли, 138 2886 2712, Электронная почта: sally@medlonchina.com
Адрес офиса: Комната 302, здание C, индустриальный парк информационных технологий нового поколения Baoan, № 3, северная 2-я переулка, 2-я дорога Chuangye, улица Xin'an, район Bao'an, Шэньчжэнь, Гуандун, Китай
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