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Эти инновационные технологии преобразуют производителей разъемов от платы к плате в течение 5-10 лет


These innovative technologies will transform board to board connector manufacturers within 5 to 10 years, enabling connector manufacturers to further understand the development trends of industrial high-speed technology through the latest RFID technology. Based on the latest development of RFID technology, more innovative technologies for industrial connector sealing forms will be discovered. RFID has many innovative technologies that can help you continuously innovate projects and simplify product cycles to achieve production efficiency. The RFID market is sufficient for consumer, industrial, and medical products to design and produce a complete set of RFID industrial board to board connectors. Can meet all customer needs. The RFID product adopts a modular assembly solution, with eight pins, 12 with power FG terminals, connecting cables, and control cable lines, 6 with TCP/IP data transmission lines and power cable connectors. All RFID products comply with RoHS and REACH specifications.

Medical devices can provide a variety of alternative products for medical patient treatment, customized according to customer needs and service appearance. With various ultra long data cable connectors, it can not only achieve no connection, but also meet the needs of medical equipment, achieving excellent ergonomic design and providing complete health monitoring.

Temperature range. 55 ° C~+125 ° C (rated 175 ° C) Material: Outer half humidity -65 ° C~85 ° C Acceptable medical device Inner mixture: Test wire 40 Conventional connector Product performance: Test wire harness assembly according to customer standard model, factory material specifications. 10 ° C~+125 ° C 85 ° C, 050 ° C temperature range. 55 ° C~+150 ° C Material: PBT, PA6T, PA9T, LCP, PBT, Tj, PC 13 or above 2 Characteristics: Ensure a large amount of quality to prevent electromagnetic interference, long service life, can be bent more than 500 times, 32 * (adapter 25 ° C ± 10 ° C) extremely low ambient temperature. 45 ° C~+200 ° C terminal diameter deviation: 02 ± 02 ° C L ≤ 217 ° C collision.

Outgoing terminals: spring type terminals, MXK, HEYME, TLYMR (wiring harness, insulation, termination/staggered sheath).

Outgoing terminals: spring type terminals, MXK, T-F twisted wire terminals, MXK, TJ wire clippers, MXK, HUANV, TJ, TPU, PVDF, TPU, WTBH (connector, TB20 multi-core wire).

Outgoing terminals: flame-retardant wires, VDE/BVR wires, RVV, WD, EVVOR, EVVOR, EVY.

Outgoing terminals: spring type terminals, crimping caps, spring washers, blind bolt springs, crimping and degreasing.

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Контактное окно и Тел: Салли, 138 2886 2712, Электронная почта: sally@medlonchina.com
Адрес офиса: Комната 302, здание C, индустриальный парк информационных технологий нового поколения Baoan, № 3, северная 2-я переулка, 2-я дорога Chuangye, улица Xin'an, район Bao'an, Шэньчжэнь, Гуандун, Китай
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