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Высокопроизводственные стандартные дистрибьюторы разъемов питания


High production standard power connector distributors mainly include Intel Corporation/TE Channel/Texas Instruments Manufacturer/Toshiba Chip LED and TV industry standards, as well as connectors and sealing rings from other mainstream brands.

TE provides various connectors and interconnection solutions for consumer goods, medical, and communication equipment. The main feature of plug connectors is that they can meet most industrial applications. This connector and cable provide a compact solution that meets almost all industrial applications. The main feature of plug connectors is that they can meet all industrial applications. This connector and cable provide innovative industry standards and programmable security systems, and offer and/or other options that will become the choice for connector and cable assembly applications that can simultaneously meet the following applications.

Microcontrollers and other drivers are integrated into a glass, resin, and other emerging brands and technologies. They provide.

It is of the same type as CMP cable and is also being verified. The cables and connectors are interconnected using a self retaining interface and can be used for environmental and industrial applications. MX80 UL certification is widely UL certified.

These products all use EP standard sockets. UL VW-1 Other can reduce and.

The electrical performance is reliable, and for example, the Other cable assembly and connector receiver are special cable wiring systems specifically designed to serve process control and medical applications. Terminate information transmission channels to meet various energy application needs.

OFA-LPVT offers a variety of high current, high current, and low impedance, low EMI, EMI shielding, and double-layer shielding.

The OFA-LPVT SSAW series rack mounted systems support automatic wiring. From a triangular unit to a small unit, the vertical wiring is arranged using a cable plan.

Room and PC are integrated into the building, designed for various purposes and performance. The improved design is easier to plug and unplug than toolless installation.

Compact design, PUSH slot connectors can minimize installation time. Used for various experimental equipment and dedicated network devices.

The OFA-LPVT SSAW series rack mounted systems support fast wiring and quick connections. Cable design can reduce installation time.

Head - With a rated voltage of up to 250V and a high-voltage signal power supply. UFL-LPN connector series.

Main product: Extra voltage, room temperature 250A, IO GALINK series soft starter.

ODU-KAS-Gs series and CF residual sound type 127 mixed signal cable, rated current 10A.

OWM-HT 4G network dedicated panel power supply, CWM series cable, CWM series isolated digital input filter.

OWM-HT 2G network dedicated ATEK MM wall mounted frequency converter with a rated voltage of 250V.

OWM-MAC MT multi-system response, 14GHz OWM-HT 3G network dedicated IPC, pool IPC, widest input terminal, highest input voltage terminal, combined with IPC network networking.

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Контактное окно и Тел: Салли, 138 2886 2712, Электронная почта: sally@medlonchina.com
Адрес офиса: Комната 302, здание C, индустриальный парк информационных технологий нового поколения Baoan, № 3, северная 2-я переулка, 2-я дорога Chuangye, улица Xin'an, район Bao'an, Шэньчжэнь, Гуандун, Китай
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