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The main issue with these details of board to board connectors is the high installation cost. The process cannot be hard layered on ordinary mechanical equipment, but is completed through a CNC lathe according to a certain process. One reason for this situation is direct loss. The size of the hard layer has a certain content, including contact pressure, needle tip, and bending force. The needle tip and bending force are the same during installation, and this situation is mainly due to the inspection of the solder. The reasonable pin terminal or solder is the decision of mold closing. Good plug caps and lead terminals directly affect.

With the continuous development of automotive electronics, industrial control, and consumer electronics products, and the increasing demand for automotive safety from consumers, the overall solution requirements for automotive lighting are becoming higher and higher. The processing method of precision hardware terminals' spare parts and the position of the new grid parser on the surface of the hardware spring welding point adopt planar contact technology.

Terminal stamping structure stamping is a type of connector development and demand with a great initial stage.

Hardware spring piece is a hardware stamping component composed of elasticity and certain parts that work through elasticity and stretching, force, and pull-out of connectors. The terminal has different mating areas for the insertion feet, promoting stronger force and applied pressure on the spring piece. Compared with some elastic and certain elastic structures of shrapnel, the force and insertion area of shrapnel are smaller, and water vapor is more delayed in tolerance washing gas separation.

When choosing hardware stamping parts, from what aspects should we choose a high-quality hardware stamping part that is worth your choice?

A brand composed of our own advantages, innovation, and open cooperation, as well as the stamping machinery that best suits our experience.

The high-voltage connectors of automobile connector manufacturers are mainly used to add contacts in the engine and drive system to assist the automotive department.

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Контактное окно и Тел: Салли, 138 2886 2712, Электронная почта: sally@medlonchina.com
Адрес офиса: Комната 302, здание C, индустриальный парк информационных технологий нового поколения Baoan, № 3, северная 2-я переулка, 2-я дорога Chuangye, улица Xin'an, район Bao'an, Шэньчжэнь, Гуандун, Китай
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